of Lombardy Region - Adda and "navigli"
 Maintenance and enhancement of canal sites : landscape and architectural guidelines

Action grouped together with the following (see results of action 54 below)

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   Manual identifying the various historic features of the canals

This action and the one defined above (landscape and architectural guidelines) were found to be closely interdependent. Indeed, how can the enhancement of historic canal heritage be envisaged if it is not founded on a practical approach for taking into account the knowledge of the latter? The VEV monitoring committee consequently acceded to Lombardy Region’s request that the two actions be grouped together.
The first part of the study was dedicated to knowledge of the historical development of all activities in the territory linked to the two canals, which belong to Lombardy’s extensive hydrographic system, exploiting descriptive historic documents, cartographic resources and iconographic representations of the landscape.
The second, more practical, part of the study identified and described the elements forging the historical and landscape value of the territory throughout the course of the two canals, particular attention being paid to the historical sites, historic buildings in the peri-urban area and to the factories and industrial plants in close relation to the many uses of these artificial waterways: navigation, irrigation, energy generation. This part of the study report is accompanied by a manual for local operators (designers and local administrators) in order to guide them in their treatment of existing works, and in developing projects for new interventions in spatial planning, preserving the characteristics of the landscape.
With regard to the Paderno canal, which has suffered large-scale deterioration, it was felt essential to provide concrete examples of intervention. Two restoration projects were thus developed, and will be implemented thanks to funding by the Ministry for Environment through the Adda Nord Regional Park. One relates to the restoration of a large former stabling house beside the canal which will be used as the Park’s visitor centre, while the second deals with the restoration of a lock for didactic purposes. It is also planned to reinstall a small hydropower plant for night-time illumination of the itinerary along the canal towpath.

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   Photograph and press campaign on the Martesana and Paderno canals

The photographic campaign proceeded along two different directions: the artistic interpretation of the landscape of the two historical canals by an internationally renowned photographer, and representation of the territory through perspective aerial photographs.
This campaign was recorded by a special publication entitled “Representation of the landscapes of the Martesana and Paderno canals”, distributed to the European partners and to the various local authorities as an exercice in awareness-raising, also potentially contributing to the development of cultural tourism products. Large prints were also made, complementing those already produced for the artistic photographs, and exhibited during the thematic seminar in Milan on 28 October 2000, thus demonstrating the feasibility of transferring such an approach to other sites. The aerial photographs were also used as supporting documents to the submission for the middle course of the Adda to be listed as a world heritage site by UNESCO.

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   Heritage guide to tourist itineraries (raising public awareness)

This study consisted in the production of maps, descriptive texts, period photographs and more recent illustrations of relevant historical and cultural heritage encountered throughout the course of the two canals. The description is rich by the diversity of the fields covered (history, legends, chronicles, art, hydraulic engineering, literary and artistic representation) and of the itineraries and stages suggested. Considering the extraordinary wealth of references, it was decided to produce, on the budget of another action of the VEV project, a culture-oriented CD-rom entitled “Itinerari culturali lungo i navigli” (cultural itineraries along the canals), distributed in the same way as the publication of the photograph campaign, with similar objectives of raising awareness, providing didactic material and supporting cultural tourism.

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   Economic study of development of the potential for cultural tourism along the waterways

In the context of the studies scheduled in the VEV project, it was considered relevant to estimate the potential of the territory served by the Martesana and Paderno canals in terms of promotion of cultural tourism. To this end, an analysis of the social and economic context was carried out. In particular, the demographic situation and the organisation of economic activity were assessed, as well as the projections of tourism development already made at the local level, examined in the light of the local spatial development plans. Identification of the existing accommodation and restaurant capacities and a list of the tourist attractions both in terms of historical and landscape assets and of cultural events made it possible to identify the various local elements likely to support programmes of cultural tourism. Finally, a series of possible actions were proposed, to be introduced into the development schemes at different levels.
In particular, it turned out that, given the current good shape of the economy and the job market of the local community, the projections relating to tourist activity will be considered as complementary but by no means essential. On the other hand, it was found worth while to create an “interpretation centre” of the natural and social cultural elements of the territory in order to promote broader awareness and appreciation of the landscape as a factor of quality of life for the local population.
The study will be published and distributed to local and provincial authorities and to the regional departments which deal with the programming of tourist activity.

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   Prefeasibility study of the Martesana and Paderno canals (strengths and weaknesses, links with the territory)

Action abandoned by Lombardy Region as the VEV programme was under way, because it was seen as ill adapted to the stage of knowledge acquired during the project.

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   Experimental project in bank consolidation (in connection with Midi-Pyrenees and Languedoc-Roussillon)

This action essentially involved a study of characteristics of the banks of the Martesana and Paderno canals and their surrounding areas characterised by a strong environmental value. This recognition made it possible to classify the different methods of construction of the banks which in the case of the Lombardy canals are almost systematically in loose stones, using various construction techniques. The state of conservation of the banks was examined individually, based on photographs, and some estimations were made in the case of deterioration due to a lack of use or to misuse due to a non-observance of the historic character of the structures.
The study output is valuable, including an inventory of sites (each identified on the large-scale map) presenting a high environmental value, or at least an authentic character, thus materialising the greenway project or at least highlighting the various fields to be taken into account to qualify the canal corridors, offering areas of “outdoor recreational activities” along the cycle paths. The study also identified certain critical situations that require particular attention at the local level or on the part of the canal operators.
The analysis also suggested the types of buildings, fences, walls, etc., that could be proposed as part of an environmentally-based restoration project.

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   Seminar on landscape conservation and enhancement of environmental heritage

The seminar “Historic Canals: from tools of knowledge to development of protection and enhancement strategies”, which was held on October 28, 1999 in Palazzo Clerici in Milan, provided the opportunity to debate a number of specific subjects dealt with by the VEV project. Representatives of the European Union and the Council of Europe were invited to take part in order to present the European Spatial Development Perspective, the European Landscape Convention and the guidelines of the “Cultural itineraries” programme. The various thematic approaches were then discussed: historic, urban and environmental analyses as well as the different types of intervention (restoration of structures, bank consolidation using techniques respecting the environment, projects for cycle paths and greenways.
The Proceedings of the seminar were published and distributed in the same way as the photographic campaign and the guide to cultural itineraries along the canals.

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   VEV programming and monitoring Committees, Milan, 29/10/99

Lombardy region organised the programming and monitoring committee meetings held on October 29, 1999, at its headquarters in Milan. Simultaneous translation of the debates was provided (Italian/
French/English) as well as tape recordings of all the interventions. On October 30, 1999, a visit to the sites of the Martesana and Paderno canals was organised (transport and consecutive translation in Italian, French and English were provided).

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   Interconnection of the archives on historic canals, collection of sources

This innovative project required the development of a specific data base supported by identification fiches - one for each “conservation body” and one for each “data base” - in order to allow an Italian researcher or a researcher from any of the VEV member States, through the gateway set up by VNF, to establish contact with the different bodies according to the specific information described in the data base. A large number of fiches have already been produced and will be made available for the VEV partners, and this “archive of archives” will be further enriched by processing the results of the questionnaire previously sent out to the different bodies.
The results in Italian as well as a summary in French exist in both paper and digital (CD-rom) versions and will be communicated to the partners in the Historical Canals archive sub-group, as well as to the local authorities to assist them in researching their own canal archive material.
The study, in accordance with its original objectives of collecting broadly-based documentation, is extended to all the canals of Lombardy and not only to the Martesana and Paderno canals.

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   Promotion and publications of all the Lombardy actions

This action consisted in publishing a series of study reports finalised ot produced for Lombardy Region under the VEV project, including:
— “L’Adda di Leonardo”, a small booklet used as a basis for the Lombardy projects before the specific studies actually began. This publication (in Italian and English) was distributed during the various meetings of the VEV partnership held in different locations (programming committees and thematic seminars) and sent to local authorities;
— The CD-rom “Itinerari culturali lungo i navigli”, ensuring broader distribution of the manual described in the “fiche” of action no. 60;
— “Représentation du paysage des canaux du Martesana et de Paderno”, publication of the photographic campaign described in the “fiche” of action no. 55;
— “Historic Canals: from tools of knowledge to elaboration of protection and enhancement strategies”, publication of the Proceedings of the Thematic seminar under the same title, described in “fiche” of action no. 65.

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